
Ting Wang

Associate Professor
Stony Brook University

About Me

I am Associate Professor and Empire Innovation Scholar in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I conduct research at the intersection of machine learning, privacy and security, and aim to develop safe and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. My recent work focuses on improving AI along three major thrusts:

Before joining Stony Brook, I was Associate Professor in the College of IST at Penn State. I finished my Ph.D. at Georgia Tech and my undergrad study at Zhejiang University.


I lead the Algorithmic Learning, Privacy, and Security (ALPS) lab, where I am privileged to work alongside a team of exceptional talents, both in the past and present:

Current Members – Changjiang Li, Jiacheng Liang, Tanqiu Jiang, Yuhui Wang, Rongyi Zhu, Ziyi Yin (co-supervised with Fenglong Ma), Zian Wang

Alumni – Ren Pang (» Amazon), Tianyu Du (» Zhejiang University), Zhaohan Xi (» Binghamton University), Xinyang Zhang (» Amazon), Tinghao Xie (» Princeton), Zheng Zhang (» Northwestern), Ningfei Wang (» Meta), Yujie Ji (» Amazon), Sam Nguyen (» Google), Yifan Huang (» Bloomberg)

Join Us! – We are ALWAYS looking for motivated and bright (under)grad students and postdocs. If you know how to build/hack AI systems, we should talk! Please email me your resume and set up a time to discuss your potential fit to our team.

Recent Publications (Full List)


Stony Brook

Penn State

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